My Warrior (Bewitched and Bewildered Book 12) Read online

Page 12

  "Ladies and gentleman, as Portia said, my name is Brie Wilson. Until very recently, I worked under Cameron Rathais, a Vanguard warrior, serving as Sheriff in Monroe." Brie knew that Rathais being a paranormal would carry weight here. "Yesterday afternoon, Sheriff Rathais received a call from the Unit Commander to immediately come to a warehouse to secure and process the scene of a gruesome mass murder. As there are family members in attendance, I will spare you the more grisly details, but from the multiple conversations I overheard from the warriors there, it was one of the worst things they had ever seen, and considering their mission is to hunt and kill ferals, their statements brought home just how terrible the scene was." She prayed she was using all these new terms correctly. She flipped open the portfolio as if she were reviewing the notes. In actuality, she was trying to organize her thoughts.

  "I will only present what we know to be fact. Seventy-two bodies of varying ages were recovered. The bodies were all placed together in the warehouse that had been spelled so that the deaths of the individuals didn't register with family trees in Éire Danu. The medical examiner, River Carlisle, a vampire and also a member of the Vanguard, was the one who worked meticulously in gathering every piece of evidence he could. He has determined that the time of death for these poor souls was well over a week ago and prior to the emergence of the shadow portal that appeared outside the Border City." She looked up from the notes to peer out at the crowd. "I haven't been in your world long, but I can tell you unequivocally that Queen Aleksandra would never become so engrossed in something that she would lose sight of her children."

  Tyrien pointed to her. "Another point made by the lady herself. She hasn't even been in Éire Danu twenty-four hours. How could she possibly know what is best for us." He looked over to where her mate sat with the Tau and Chi units. "Her own mate is the youngest warrior to serve in Éire Danu. That was fine as the warriors played soldier, but now that we have a real threat looming against us, we need real warriors to stand in defense of our people."

  Brie shifted her hand to her gun's hilt and felt a small surge of satisfaction when he stepped back. "I am the least qualified to respond to that drivel." She turned to Aiden. "Unit Commander, would you like to address these fine people?"

  Aiden stood, his face a large scowl. He stepped up beside her and faced the crowd. "As you all know, I am the Unit Commander and have been for hundreds of years. I take my duty seriously, so if anyone believes that I have no idea what I am doing and that the men I train are useless, please see me after the Tribunal," he said, in short clipped tones. "Every single warrior that serves has my complete confidence, regardless of age." He eyed Tyrien. "Some things such as loyalty, sacrifice, and skill cannot be bought."

  Ouch! That one had to sting, she thought gleefully.

  She looked at the crowd, who was visibly shrinking back from the angered commander and smiled. "What it boils down to folks is this: Either you believe your queen to be a flake that lets her children die and that your Unit Commander is an incompetent fool that has no idea what he is doing, or you can believe that these two leaders with impeccable track records are doing the very best they can, in the first twenty-four hours of a tragedy. A case of No Confidence is positively ridiculous when the persons you're stating you have no confidence in hasn't had a chance to do anything yet." As Aiden took his seat, Brie was certain she could have heard a pin drop, then low murmurs filled the room.

  Portia raised her hand, and everyone quieted. "As usual, everyone here has a voice and will be heard. If you truly feel as if your concerns have not been addressed please stand. It's why we're all here today."

  No one stood, which left Tyrien the only one on his feet as he was the one addressing the Tribunal. "Well, Tyrien Ri'Aileanach, have you anything else to bring forward?" Portia asked sweetly.

  "Not at this time," he answered, through clenched teeth.

  "Very well." She turned to Jedrek. "If you would?"

  Her father-in-law stood. "I declare this case of No Confidence to be resolved and the Tribunal session closed." As one, the queen and Brennus stood, followed by Meryn and Darian and everyone began to file out.

  Aiden held out his arm, and he escorted her back to Ari's side. Ari placed her hand in his elbow, and they followed the party back to the queen's personal chambers.


  Upon walking in, Brie didn't expect to find Amelia holding Meryn in a headlock, raking her knuckles across her scalp. "Were you trying to kill us?! Do you have any idea how hard it was not to laugh?"

  "Get offa me, Amelia. I was just doing politics," Meryn complained, pushing at her cousin.

  The queen collapsed into a chair. "I thought for sure I wasn't going to make it." She eyed her niece. "And she just kept going."

  Brennus just sat back, a huge smile on his face. "Gods, she reminds me of Eamon."

  Celyn nodded. "He lived to see assholes squirm."

  Meryn pushed a final time at Amelia. "See! It's in my DNA."

  Brie looked around. "Speaking of fathers, where’s mine?"

  Brennus and Celyn both turned a bit pink in the cheeks. Finally, Brennus spoke up. "Doran has been waiting thousands of years to meet his mate. We may not see them for a while."

  Cord cleared his throat. "Doran placed several standing orders for food for the next couple days."

  "Days!" Brie exclaimed.

  "I learned about the butt sex in Noctem Falls; you better send lube, too, Cord," Meryn added.

  Cord gave a short nod. "You have a valid point, Meryn. I'll see to it they have everything they need."

  "Eww! Blalalalalalalala!" Brie yelled, toppling to one side on the chaise lounge, pulling a pillow over her head.

  Beside her, she could feel Ari laughing at her distress. She popped back up. "It's not funny."

  "Their souls have become one and neither are alone anymore. I don't think there's anything wrong with that."

  "I love the fact that they're not alone anymore, but I don't need to hear about the becoming one stuff."

  Meryn turned in her chair to face the queen. "Did that seem too easy?"

  The queen thought about it a moment. "Yes and no. You took the wind out of Tyrien's sails regarding the 'no confidence' in me. The proof that those poor people died before things started happening here in the city was just icing on the cake after your little show." She eyed Meryn. "I never would have thought to use Portia and Cord as a type of defense. Truly amazing, Meryn."

  Meryn shrugged. "I had just had a mini meltdown, and Ryuu helped me. I figured had you truly been up shits creek, Portia and Cord could easily run stuff for ya, even if we weren't here." She picked up her laptop and powered it on.

  "So eloquent and so true," Portia said dryly.

  "Brie was just as amazing," Jedrek bragged. "My daughter, with one play, eliminated every doubt the people may have had about my son and the other warriors." The look of pride on his face warmed her. "That was a power play, my dear, a very effective one."

  "It was partially calculated. Honestly, I was trying not to shoot the bastard, and I wanted to give Aiden the advantage in case he had to reach out and love tap someone," Brie admitted.

  "I'm an expert at accidental brilliance too," Meryn said, giving her a thumbs up.

  Aiden just smiled at her. "I was trying to figure out how close I had to be to reach that mouthy sycophant."

  "We can always summon him back," Brennus offered. "Then you and Ari could show him personally how well trained Éire Danu's warriors are."

  "Don't tempt me," Aiden said sourly.

  "Hey, babe," Meryn said, turning to her grumbling mate.

  His face brightened. "Yeah?"

  She pointed down to her laptop. "I think I may have a second location."

  The room quieted. Aiden stood to look over her shoulder. "Where?"

  "Georgetown. It's about four-hundred miles south of here, close to Dover, Delaware."

  Aiden looked at Ari, then at her. "Gear up."

  Ari turned and looked d
own at her. At first, she thought he would argue for her to stay behind, but his expression was thoughtful. "Kincaid, see if she fits any of your Kevlar."

  "You got it," Kincaid said, rising from his chair to stand next to the other warriors.

  Kendrick turned to Thane. "I'll go. You stay behind and manage the portal and transport."

  Thane shook his head. "No can do. You're staying behind and managing the portal while Justice and I tag along." Kendrick scowled and opened his mouth to argue when Thane looked at Anne. "Tell him to sit and stay."

  Anne was smiling. "Darling, let the boys handle this one."

  Kendrick looked at his mate incredulously. "What?"

  She just smiled sweetly. "You know why you shouldn't go, now sit tight and let them do their job."

  Kendrick's mouth just dropped as he looked around the room for some measure of support. Finally, the queen pointed to the chair across from her. "Welcome to my hell. Maybe, if you get frustrated enough with not knowing what is going on, you'll create a way for us to monitor our loved ones from here."

  Brie felt like she was missing something huge. Of anyone, Kendrick seemed like the obvious choice to go. She watched the large witch as he basically threw himself into the chair. "If I am to stay behind, I require treats and snacks."

  Anne sighed. "What are you, five?"

  Meryn looked up at her squire. "Actually, snacks are a good idea. I'm going to be paving the way for them, so I needs foods."

  Ryuu met Cord's eye, and they both nodded. Ryuu looked down at his charge. "Anything in particular you need, denka?"

  "Meat kebobs," was the immediate answer.

  "Bobs!!" A tiny voice shouted excitedly. Brie's heart melted every time she saw the tiny brownie. When she was first introduced to Creelee and Meryn's sprites, she decided right then and there, that no matter what evil she faced in the paranormal world, meeting those adorable beings made it worth it the danger.

  Izzy rubbed his curls with her finger. "I'm sure Meryn will share Creelee."

  Meryn winked. "Of course, he's my eating buddy."

  Ryuu placed a gloved hand over his chest. "I will contact Sebastian immediately."

  Darian glanced from Aiden to Ryuu, looking torn.

  "I am fully capable of opening a portal to Noctem Falls, son, you go with your commander and help our people," the queen said to Darian.

  He stood then walked over to her chair. He bent down and placed a kiss on her forehead. "Thank you, Mother."

  "Aiden," Ari called out, getting the commander's attention. When Aiden turned, he continued. "We're heading to the warrior villa to get our gear. Did you want to roll out with Tau and Chi?"

  "Sounds good. You all were slated to attend the Tribunal through this afternoon, so the other units are already covering for your absence."

  "We can trade with Upsilon, if you'd prefer an older unit," Kincaid offered quietly.

  Aiden frowned. "Older doesn't necessarily mean better. My mate is the youngest amongst us, but it's because she's so young that she sees things from a fresh perspective, without which, we would have probably lost Lycaonia and Noctem Falls. To be honest, I'm seriously thinking about finding ways to incorporate younger trainees into the units so that we get a jolt of curiosity and questioning that older warriors have lost."

  With each word Aiden spoke, Brie could see the change in the Tau unit, including Ari. Each man stood a bit straighter and held his head up a bit more. "Youth is about all I have going for me with my spells going sideways all the time. But I'll do whatever is needed to help my brothers," Kincaid offered.

  Aiden nodded. "Good man!"

  Ari turned to the Tau and Chi units before taking her hand. "Let's go get our gear." He looked over his shoulder at Thane and Aiden. "We'll meet you at the official portal."

  Feeling excited and a bit nervous, Brie walked out with the other warriors.


  Ari couldn't believe what Aiden had said. He viewed their age as an advantage?

  "Wow," Kincaid breathed.

  "I know," Ari replied.

  "What?" Brie asked, looking up at him with her warm brown eyes.

  "In the paranormal world, especially in Éire Danu, age means a lot. For Aiden to have that mindset, is a drastic turn from our normal," he explained.

  "Don't forget, Aiden is considered young himself at only seven-hundred and change. Many forget that fact since he's been leading the units since he was practically an infant," Aeson reminded them.

  "Infant?" Brie asked.

  "He was one-hundred years old when he took over the units, that's when a paranormal is considered an adult."

  "Yikes! I see what you mean about ages playing a role in your society."

  "I think his own experiences and mating with Meryn, who has made changes left and right, has reshaped his way of thinking." Ari felt excitement and a bit of hope begin to flicker in his chest. Things were changing and changing for the better. He had so many ideas to improve the units. Prior to Aiden visiting Éire Danu, he never would have dreamed he could approach Aiden and voice them. Now, especially after what was just said, he felt like he would be heard and taken seriously despite his age.

  Brie lightly kicked Aeson in the ass. "Is infant a derogatory term here in Éire Danu?"

  Aeson looked back, surprised. "Of course not, but young is young. We may baby Ari and the Tau unit, but we respect them too. They are the ranking unit in the city because of how good they are. We follow Ari's lead because he has proven he can think outside the box and moves us all forward."

  Ramsey chuckled. "Being a Lionhart helps too."

  Aeson shrugged. "It gives him a slight edge that he understands the city's politics, but even before the shadows appeared Ari was creating new drills and training methods, that has nothing to do with his family's politics."

  Ari was flabbergasted. All these years he assumed they were humoring him, to hear that they actually respected his hard work was humbling. "I just want us to be the best we can."

  Ramsey reached out and ruffled his hair. "Which is why we follow you."

  Ari exchanged glances with Gage, Priest, and Kincaid. He could see the visible changes in them already in response to Aeson's words. There was no hesitancy in their steps now. They had received a major dose of confidence, and it showed.

  "Let's grab our gear and go, gentlemen. Our Unit Commander is waiting."

  "Yes, sir," his brothers responded, and they hurried through the Border City to the warrior villa.

  Chapter Nine

  Standing next to their vehicle, in the human realm, Ari had to admit his mate looked hot. Her jeans hugged her ass perfectly, and when you added the Kevlar vest and tactical gear, she morphed into a warrior goddess.

  "Stop that," she complained, her cheeks bright red.

  "What?" he asked.

  "Ari, you keep staring at her like you're about to make her your next meal and growling non-stop," Priest advised him, amusement in his voice.

  Ari paused. "I am?"

  "You are," the men around him replied.

  "I can't help it; look at her." He motioned to Brie. When the men turned to look at his mate, his lion roared. He growled loudly. The men just looked at him and rolled their eyes.

  "Sorry," he said sighing.

  Brie, on the other hand, was laughing into her hand.

  "You find my caveman routine funny?"

  "I like that you find me attractive decked out in SWAT gear, are proud enough to show me off, possessive enough to warn them away, yet secure enough in your masculinity to apologize for such a display."

  Ari narrowed his eyes. "So, a good thing, right?"

  She walked over and wrapped her arms around his neck. "A very good thing."

  Ari heard many of the men mutter 'lucky fuck' and 'bastard', and he couldn't help grinning. "Fate has truly blessed me with such a beautiful and fierce woman."

  Brie pulled his head down for a kiss, and he happily obliged. One of the things he had noticed about his mate yest
erday was that her plump lips were soft every time he kissed her. He couldn't get enough.

  A throat cleared. "Brie, when you're done scrambling Ari's brain, can you huddle in for orders?" Aiden asked, walking up to where the units waited by the portal. Ari noticed that Micah, Darian, Oron, Thane, and Justice were with him.

  His mate pulled back and winked up at him. "Yes, sir," she said and walked over to receive orders.

  Ari felt like he was stuck on stupid. Why were they leaving again? He felt hands on his back as Gage steered him over to the meeting.

  Aiden looked at the group. "We'll do a three-prong attack again. Tau, you're assigned the back. Chi, the westerly side exit, and my group will go in the front." He tapped his earpiece. "Were you able to hack the closed camera surveillance circuit yet?" he asked.

  Meryn's voice responded in their ears. "Yup, I have good news and bad news."

  Aiden rolled his eyes. "Good news first, Menace."

  "Good news is I don't see anyone in the building."

  Aiden exhaled. "That's great. What's the bad news?"

  "Bad news is that the camera mounted in the main storage room is black. Not staticky. Black. With a faint glow around the edges. I'm willing to bet it's been painted."

  Every single person in their group began to cuss, including his mate.

  "Sonofabitch," she murmured.

  "We're heading in, baby. Let me know if our situation changes."

  "Will do. By the way, I overrode their security system, so all the doors should be unlocked, and no alarms will sound," she added.

  "You take such good care of me," Aiden said.

  "It's because you're really good with your penis," she answered, causing more than one of men to choke on their own spit as they inhaled a laugh.

  Aiden closed his eyes as a flush worked up the back of his neck. "Thank you, babe."