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My Warrior (Bewitched and Bewildered Book 12) Page 11
My Warrior (Bewitched and Bewildered Book 12) Read online
Page 11
"Hello, Wilson."
"Got anything?"
"Not much, but I do have some information I can pass along."
"After you requested method and time of death, you piqued my curiosity. I spent all last night running panels."
"Please tell me you got some sleep."
"I will be fine. Anyway, you are on to something. Now, my equipment is nowhere sensitive enough to track rate of decay down to the hour, but I can tell you that, for sure, they all died the same day."
"Any idea when?" That was the big question.
"That is a little more tricky."
"The dead fae look weird under the microscope."
"Is that the technical term?"
He exhaled. "Look, science and the paranormal world are not the best bedfellows. If I had to determine when a human died, I could easily give you a time, down to almost the minute, because humans decompose the same across the board. Circumstances and environment may change up the numbers, but for the most part, they are identical. Paranormals, on the other hand, are a shake-n-bake bag full of different herbs and spices."
"I like him," Meryn whispered.
River laughed and continued. "If it were a group of vampires, I would just tell you that it was a lost cause. Vampire decomposition times are wildly different due to varying levels of transition. We are in luck since the group was all one race, and they were fae. Now, here is where it gets weird, like I told you. They are decomposing way slower than a human, but faster than any fae I have seen under a microscope."
"How?" she asked.
"You tell me," he countered.
She looked around and saw varying degrees of confusion and consternation. "Shit. Can you give me a ballpark for time of death?"
"Over a week for sure. Any more detailed than that, I am not going to be able to help you without brand new equipment."
Meryn leaned forward. "What kind of equipment?"
"Oh, gee, I do not know, how about the XB540?"
"The one with nanoscale and 3D imaging?" Meryn asked.
"How in the hell do you know that?" River demanded.
"Muwahahaha! I just arranged for some of those to be delivered to Noctem Falls for Magnus' center of healing. How quick can you pack a bag?"
"Fuck clothes! Get me to that workstation," River begged.
"Only if you promise to loop Dr. Rheia Bradley-Albright in on your findings. She has been working on a project documenting different rates of decay regarding ferals and reapers."
"Seriously? There's an existing project working on that?" Brennus asked, looking impressed.
Meryn turned to her uncle. "Unit warrior mates aren't slacking."
"Please, get me to Noctem Falls! I am packing specimens now," River’s voice had taken on a desperate tone.
"I will personally call Magnus and request you be given any and all materials you need to get as much information regarding these murders as possible," the queen promised.
"Your Majesty, you could bend me over and spank my ass as long as I got a chance at that microscope," River said, then went quiet. "Let us all forget I said that; I have been alone in my lab too long."
Meryn was laughing hysterically at her aunt's expression. "That was awesome!"
Darian was chuckling as he used his ring to open a portal. "Keep your pants on, River, I'm on my way," he teased.
"Gods above, shoot me now," River whispered.
"Update me the second you get something," Brie said, putting the man out of his misery.
"Sure thing, Wilson. Gotta go." River disconnected before she could say anything. She turned to the queen. "He didn't mean anything by it."
The queen simply waved off her concerns. "Being around Meryn, I have learned to value individuality that leads to genius over manners that lead nowhere."
Meryn thought about it. "That's good, right?"
The queen smiled at her niece. "It's a very good thing, especially at my age. The older paranormals get, the more we tend to get set in our ways. I swear just being around you for a week or so has helped me so much."
"Will he be able to submit an official report so that we can present it to the Tribunal?" Portia asked.
Brie nodded. "If I know him, he's already sent the Sheriff his findings. I'll have Rathais forward them to me." She sent a text off to her boss requesting the official preliminary report.
Portia exhaled slightly. "That alone should quiet most concerns."
"I want a list of names of those who are 'concerned'," Meryn requested, her eyes narrowing.
Around the table a chorus of "No, Meryn," was heard from nearly everyone. Brie caught it, only because she was still looking at Portia, but the prim fae inclined her head slightly to Meryn, before turning to the queen. "I will get everyone seated. We should have this wrapped before lunch."
Brie's phone pinged. "Portia, can I forward this to you?"
Portia nodded. "That would be greatly appreciated. I can print and have these documents ready in twenty minutes." Brie handed the fae her phone so that she could input her email and then forwarded the reports on to her. Portia opened the document on her phone, scrolled, then nodded. "I will see you all at Tribunal."
"We shouldn't have to go at all," Brennus grumbled, his arm wrapped around his mate.
Brie shrugged. "They are scared and hurting. I would have been surprised if we didn't receive pushback of some kind."
"They are pulling us away from getting any work done," Ari countered.
"True, but you can't change emotions. It's actually a blessing in disguise that they acted so quickly in bringing their concerns forward. We can address each item, reiterate what we're doing, and send them on their way. Moving forward, you can always say, 'as we previously discussed', and squash incidents before they blow up."
Meryn tapped her lips with her finger. "So, basically, we're pre-telling them fuck off?"
Brie winked. "Something like that."
"Me likey. I wonder if Beth knows about pre-emptive fuck offs."
The queen chuckled. "That child was raised in Noctem Falls; she can do that in multiple languages, my dear."
"Then why hasn't she told me about that method yet?"
"Probably because you're still learning subtlety and finesse," Law suggested.
Meryn sighed. "It'd be so much easier if we could just shoot people."
"You'll get there, baby," Aiden said encouragingly.
Ari turned to Cord. "We hate to bother you, but we left the warrior villa before breakfast. Is there anything pre-made we could have?"
Cord stared at Ari in horror. "Pre-made? You mean like those small meals wrapped in plastic?" he shuddered. "Give me five minutes." He raced toward the kitchen.
Meryn looked at her plate and sighed. "I bet he brings you fruit."
Ari grinned. "Shifters get served more eggs and bacon," he pointed to Aiden's plate.
Meryn stared, looking shocked. "It's so simple. Why didn't I think of it?" She reached over and dragged Aiden's plate in front of her, causing his mouth to drop. "Real food." Meryn lifted two pieces of bacon and shoved them in her mouth.
When Aiden reached for a piece of bacon, she picked up a blueberry and flicked it at him, hitting his forehead. "You eat that and be 'healthy for the baby'."
"Meryn," he said, reaching for the bacon again.
Meryn hunched over her plate and growled at her mate. "My bacon!"
Cord walked into the room, chuckling as he pushed a service cart behind Ari. "Little Meryn, if you didn't want any more fruit, all you had to do was tell me," he chided
Meryn shrugged. "I didn't want to appear non-fae cuz I wasn't raised here."
Cord just melted on the spot. "You order whatever you are craving for you and your baby, and I will make it, and if anyone has the audacity to say anything because of your food choices, I'll see to it personally."
Meryn smiled shyly. "Then can I have a huge burger for lunch?"
Cord nodded. "Of
course. I will have one waiting for you when you get back."
Aiden turned to Ryuu. "Why didn't you serve her meat? Don't tell me you didn't know that she was sick of fruit."
Ryuu looked down at Aiden, a slightly disgruntled look on his face. "Don't be ridiculous, of course I knew. The reason I didn't serve her anything different was because she didn't ask for it."
In that moment, Brie understood squires a bit more. Had Ryuu simply given Meryn what she wanted, he would have overridden and ignored Meryn's wish to fit in. He respected her enough to give her the space to figure things out on her own.
Aiden sighed. "No matter how important one gets or how high one climbs in our world, there will always be a squire right behind us that is smarter, more capable, and sarcastic prodding us along like toddlers at recess."
The queen laughed. "I'm not too arrogant to say I could have never made it this far without Cord."
Aiden smiled. "Marius practically raised me and my brothers."
Ryuu's expression was priceless, and he realized that Aiden basically just admitted to everyone that he saw the squire as smarter and more capable than himself. "It is our duty, and mostly our delight, to serve those that make a difference." He looked down at his charge smiling softly. "Even if they do need to be nudged here and there like a toddler at recess."
Meryn shrugged. "Nudge away, just keep feeding me."
Ryuu inclined his head. "Yes, denka."
Brie turned as she saw Kincaid lean toward Ari. "Do we really have to attend the Tribunal?"
Ari sighed then nodded. "Unfortunately. As Tau has close ties to the palace, we have witnessed every aspect of the unfolding investigation." He eyed his unit brother in sympathy. "I will speak for us as much as I can."
Kincaid slumped back. "I hate this."
Kendrick sipped his water. "With River's report, it should move quickly. It will mostly be Aleksandra along with Darian and Meryn, reassuring the Founding Family members."
Meryn blinked. "Wait, I hafta go too?"
Everyone nodded as the queen turned to her. "Yes, my dear. You're a princess now."
Brie watched as all color drained from Meryn's face. Meryn looked up at Ryuu. "I can't do this," she whispered, as she began to shake.
Ryuu blinked, then his eyebrows shot up. "Meryn, calm down." He quickly snatched up her wrist as both Thane and Kendrick jumped to their feet.
Kendrick rounded the table. "Ryuu? What's wrong?"
"Her heart is racing out of control."
Kendrick pulled Meryn's chair away from the table, and Ryuu stepped back with it, still keeping one hand around her wrist. On Meryn's other side, Aiden held her free hand and rubbed it soothingly.
"Meryn, you need to take a deep breath in and let it out slowly. On my count," Thane said, kneeling in front of her.
Meryn's eyes were wide as she shook her head. "I can't."
"You can," he repeated softly.
"What is wrong with her?" Brie heard Gage ask Ari.
She turned to them. "A serious panic attack."
Brennus and the queen looked on, both looking distraught. The queen looked up at her mate. "I didn't mean to upset her."
Brennus kissed the top of her head. "I don't believe it was you, dearest heart. I think she only just realized that she is now a princess."
"But we've been saying that she's second in line for the throne. Hell, she even threatened to take over. How could she not know?" Justice asked, looking upset as Meryn's distress.
"Because to Meryn, becoming second in line to the throne just meant she had family now," Amelia whispered. "That's all she cared about."
Brie turned her attention back to Meryn as the blue light began to grow brighter. Ryuu leaned down. "Listen to me, denka, I swear it on my life, that you will never be forced to do anything that you don't wish to do. If you do choose to take an active role as princess, I will be with you every step of the way. I will not let you fail," he promised.
Meryn finally took a deep breath and slumped backward. It was as if her body had been waiting on Ryuu's assurances to finally relax.
Meryn rotated both of her hands and clutched at her mate and squire. "Please don't let me embarrass anyone," she begged in a small voice.
Kendrick stood, his face etched in anger. "Embarrass anyone and everyone, Meryn, whether intentionally or not. I have spells no one has seen in thousands of years to deal with any puffed up self-important Muppet that tries to hurt you because of it."
"The things I will be doing to him later," Anne murmured. She blushed furiously when she realized everyone turning to look her way had heard what she said.
Meryn's face had a ghost of a smile. "That was seriously cool," she agreed. She let go of Ryuu's sleeve, then practically climbed into Aiden's lap. The large shifter wrapped his arms around her, until only her face and legs were somewhat visible. "Kendrick will only be able to play with whatever scraps remain after I deal with any who hurt my mate."
"That's if Aiden gets to them before me," Thane threatened.
Meryn was now grinning at the absurdity of the testosterone in the room. "I love you guys," she said, looking from Kendrick to Thane. Both witches looked as if you could knock them over with a feather.
Thane cleared his throat. "I love you too," he said gruffly. "After all, you're my godsdaughter."
"She loved me first as her big-brother cousin," Kendrick pointed out.
Thane turned until they were bumping chests. "Don't strain yourself, old man."
Kendrick began to sputter in indignation. "Old man!"
Behind them, Anne was laughing with Justice and Law. He wheeled on his mate. "Don't encourage him."
"Cradle robber," she teased.
Kendrick tried to keep up the offended façade, but Meryn's giggles had his mouth twitching. "I am overly abused."
"You like it, mannequin," Meryn said, causing the Ashleigh brothers to abandon any pretense of decorum and laugh loudly.
"Anne, quit telling Meryn our bedroom secrets," Kendrick exclaimed, causing his mate to choke on her drink.
The door opened, and Portia walked in. She looked at the scene before her and simply sighed. "They're ready for you."
Meryn hopped off Aiden's lap. "We got this," she said, before looking back at her squire.
He nodded. "Yes, we do."
Chapter Eight
As they walked toward the large assembly hall, Brie watched as Meryn's sweats and hoodie become a gorgeous set of golden robes. Her normally whacky curls were slicked back, and crown of silver and gold encircled her head. Meryn really was worried about causing trouble for her family.
The entire group waited at the large set of ivory doors until trumpets echoed through the halls, heralding the queen's arrival. Two by two, their party entered the room and took seats along one side of a raised dais where the queen and Brennus' thrones sat front and center. Flanking them on either side were two smaller thrones. Darian accepted Meryn's hand from Aiden and escorted her to one throne, before returning to his own. To Brennus' left, a panel of four men sat, including Jedrek. She could only assume it was the city's council. They all sat when the queen did.
Portia stepped forward. "Her Majesty, Queen Aleksandra Vi' ÉirDan will now hear the concerns brought forward by Tyrien Ri'Aileanach and Seluden Li'Loudain from our Founding Families." She nodded to Tyrien. "You may approach the throne."
There was nothing in her voice that was rude. In fact, she sounded extremely neutral, but the way Tyrien flinched, you'd think she was calling him out on an embarrassing accident in front of the class. He strode forward.
"Your Majesty, thank you for seeing us today. Having only just returned to our fair city, I myself and others are incredibly concerned over recent changes in regards to your succession decree. We feel as if such changes are indicative of more deeply rooted problems that may have led to many of our people being murdered senselessly."
Brennus raised a brow. "Are you saying that by decreeing that our
son is the next rightful heir, my mate caused the deaths of her beloved children?"
"Of course not. Our concerns lie not with the decree itself, just the timing. Mayhap, she was distracted by events surrounding her son and missed evidence of a growing hostile faction." His eyes darted to where Meryn sat. "After all, discovering that you have human niece could bewilder anyone."
Meryn smiled. "Tyrien, have you met Portia Kilardin or Cord Danual?"
Tyrien sneered up at her. "I haven't had the pleasure."
Meryn giggled, throwing Brie for a loop, Meryn was not a giggler. "How silly of me, besides this Tribunal, why would you have reason to enter the Royal Palace." She waved her hand in front of her. "If you had the chance to meet either of these amazing individuals, you would have known how inane your concerns were. Neither Portia or Cord would ever allow my aunt to become distracted to the point of negligence." She gasped as her small hands went to her mouth. "Is it because you don't have a squire that you didn't realize how marvelous they truly are?" She turned to the queen and, in a whisper that could clearly be heard by everyone, she asked. "Do Founding Families not use squires here?"
The queen's face was a mask of politeness, but having spent time with her, Brie knew she had to be laughing on the inside. She turned to her niece. "Many Founding Families employ squires here in Éire Danu, Meryn."
Meryn face screwed up in confusion. "Then I don't see why he was so concerned."
Despite the severity of the situation, small titters were heard around the room as Tyrien's face darkened to an unhealthy shade of red.
"Whether or not my house employs a squire is irrelevant."
Meryn tilted her head. "You missed the point, didn't you?"
Brennus chuckled. "He did, sweet Meryn, but the others have not."
"Oh. Good." She sat back, smiling.
Portia's cheeks were still glowing from Meryn's praise when she turned to the room. "To speed things along, I will ask that Deputy Brie Wilson, mate to Ari Lionhart of House Lionhart, step forward and present what we currently know as fact in regards to our peoples' deaths."
Brie froze. Had she known she was going to be presenting she would have worn her own robes. Standing, she walked over to where Portia stood; the woman handed her a portfolio and stepped back. Inside were most of the notes they had gone over the night before.